...dedicated to enforcement of judicial judgments...
"if we don't Recover it, we don't get paid"


Judgment Creditor - Please Submit your Application Here

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(All fields are required!)

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Judgment Case - Information
Information about Judgment you won:
Case Number (if known):
Amount of Judgment :
Amount Collected To-Date :
Date Judgment was Issued - (Month/Day/Year):
State in Which Judgment was Issued (eg: Georgia or GA):
Country (if  USA - Leave Blank):
Were You Represented By an Attorney? - (Select Yes/No):
Was Your Judgment Awarded By Default? (Defendant was NOT Present) - (Select Yes/No):
Does Judgment Debtor (Defendant) Now Reside in a Different State? (Select No/Yes):
Name of the Judgment Debtor (Defendant)
First name / Middle initials if known / Last Name:
Last known Street Address Of Judgment Debtor:
Last Known  City, State , Country or ZIP/Post Code of Judgment Debtor:


Full Name: (First {Middle initial}, Last)
Full Street Address:
City, State, Country or ZIP/Post Code:
Phone Number (please include area code):
Email Address:
Copy of my Judgment (please make a selection):

Please describe your case here (briefly but thoroughly):

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